Jasmine and the Lamp
Leonard Tate The Battle for the Kingdom JasmineandtheLamp.com
Professioal Reviews (continued)


  Pacific Book Review

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Title: Jasmine and the Lamp of Spells
Author: Leonard Tate
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 978-1462000012
Pages: 352
Genre: Epic Fantasy
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina


                     Pacific Book Review


Whether you believe in it or not, magic has been a powerful concept which has driven the human race for centuries. As Yoko Ono once said, “The human race is a very, very magical race. We have a magic power of witches and wizards. We're here on this earth to unravel the mystery of this planet. The planet is asking for it.” In author Leonard Tate’s epic fantasy book Jasmine and the Lamp of Spells, magic leads a young woman into a dark mystery and a world she could never have imagined possible.

In this novel, a series of children being taken and going missing leads to a small village caught in the throes of despair. Fearful that magic and witches are responsible for the disappearances, a young girl learns she is destined to be the fourth taken. After running into the surrounding woods, she meets a king and several magical beings, but soon discovers she has powers thanks to a magical necklace and is given responsibility of a powerful item known as the Lamp of Spells. As her father goes missing and the forces of evil threaten to overpower the world, Jasmine fights corruption and magical monsters to become the hero her world needs.

This was a well written, powerful epic fantasy read that really did a fantastic job of embodying the genre perfectly. The blend of a mystery surrounding the disappearance of children mixed with the fantasy world of elves, witches and sorcerers (among other creatures), made this book instantly engaging. The character growth and mythology the author built was strong enough to hook the reader and keep them on the edge of their seat as each chapter delved deeper and deeper into the story.

This is a book for anyone who enjoys magic, epic fantasy and themes of power struggle, jealousy and ignorance based on differences. As a fan of the genre myself, I was instantly drawn into the conflict and mythology the author built in this story, and the characters were strong enough to keep me interested throughout the book. The novel did a great job of using fantasy as a genre to tell this story of the pitfalls of seeking power and control, and the lengths family and loved ones will go to in order to protect those they love most.

This was a beautifully written, engaging and evenly paced read that fans of the fantasy genre will not want to miss. A memorable and engaging protagonist leads a fantastic story of power, war and magic that readers will not soon forget, and leaves the door open for more adventures for Jasmine in the future. If you love stories of magic, be sure to grab your copy of Jasmine and the Lamp of Spells by Leonard Tate today!